Tuesday, March 27, 2007


One of Life's underrated pleasures is being satisfied with your purchase.

I love to research a purchase until I have enough information to make a decision, but not enough to make me second guess myself.

I used that process when buying a bike three weeks ago. I decided on a type, price and frame. Here's what I got:

I could have gone with the $3000+ Trek, with a handsome frame forged by master craftsmen from exotic alien alloys, precision diamond cut rims, self greasing - auto repairing chain and dérailleur, and the entire assembly prayed over by Trappist Monks... But I'm very happy with the Globe.


Suzanne said...

Great bike! Have you taken it off any sweet jumps?

Josh said...

I got like three feet on the last one...

cat418 said...

Like the bike! Can I borrow it next time I am in CO?